Mission Statement
RB Racing Charity (RBRC), a nonprofit corporation, was created in 2016 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This is a public charity committed to helping with the fight against lung cancer and to preserve Ron Bouchard’s legacy of helping to improve the local community and the lives of children.
Our mission is accomplished through gifts, golf tournaments, memorial car races, and bequests from individuals and organizations. Our goal is to raise money and provide funds and resources to cancer fighting organizations, local youth sports teams, schools, and individual students in the form of scholarships.
As the charity is a 501(c)(3) organization, your contributions are tax deductible.
Tax ID # 81-2194234
Diversity and Inclusion Vision Statement
The RB Racing Charity will nurture and support a community and an environment that reflects, respects, and celebrates our differences, and embraces the richness of our diversity. We acknowledge and honor the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We pledge ourselves to create and maintain an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, experiences, and differences of any kind.
Board of Directors & Officers
All Officers and Directors Receive Zero Compensation
Paula Rose Bouchard, President
Business / Title: Ron Bouchard's Auto Stores, Chief Executive Officer
Email: ronbouchards06@comcast.net
Mary Summers-Cortese, Treasurer
Business / Title: George J. Summers Trucking Co., Office Manager
Email: marycortese1@gmail.com
James Patrick Desrosiers, Secretary / Clerk
Business / Title: BLEVNU, Inc. dba Growth Co, President
Email: jimd@growthco.com
Additional Members:
Chad Edward Bouchard
Business / Title: Ron Bouchard's Auto Stores, Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Email: chadbouchard@ronbouchardsautostores.com
Louis John Levesque
Business / Title: Levesque Construction, President
Email: levesqueconstruction@gmail.com